Ranking & Accreditation


1. Teaching Learning (Score 140): Claimed=122

S. No. Activity Distribution of Scores Marks Claimed Total Marks Scored Remarks/Evidences/Links
1.1 Mode of Teaching: 25 i. Lecture method only =6 marks
ii. Technology-based teaching only =6 marks
iii. Blended teaching =12 marks
iv. Flipped Classroom= 8 marks
v. As per need of different groups of students = 5 marks
25 25 Link
1.2 Curriculum Planning and Implementation: 45 i. Teaching Schedule
  - Followed 100% =10
  - 80-99% = 8
  - 60-79% = 6
  - Up to 59% = 4

ii. Whether learning outcomes defined
  - 100% = 5
  - 80-99% = 4
  - 60-79% = 3
  - Up to 59% = 2

iii. Curriculum Enrichment Practices (4 × practices observed) = 16
iv. Internal Assessment Mechanism
  - Followed by all Departments = 8
  - 80-99% = 6
  - 60-79% = 4
  - Up to 59% = 2

v. Prompt Communication of Assessment/Results
  - Within 7 days = 6
  - 8-14 days = 3
  - More than 14 days = Nil
45 45 Link.
Annual Plan
Learning Outcome
1.3 Add-on/Certificate Courses (20 Marks) i. Number of Courses and % Students Benefited
  - Courses >5, students >50% = 10+10
  - Courses 3-5, students 41-50% = 7.5+7.5
  - Courses < 3, students 31-40%=5+5
  - Courses < 3, students up to 30%=2.5+2.5
10 10 Link
1.4 Student Feedback (taken from students with 80% attendance) = 25 i. Sample size
  - >25% = 5; 20-25% = 4; 15-19% = 3; 10-14% = 2; <10%=1

ii. Student satisfaction
  - 91-100% = 10; 81-90% = 8; 71-80% = 6; 61-70% = 4; <61%=0

iii. Action on feedback
  - Action taken on doable 81-100% = 10; 61-80% = 8; 51-60% = 6; 41-50% = 4
25 25 Link
1.5 Examination Results = 25 i. % of students passed
  - >81% = 9; 71-80% = 8; 61-70% = 7; 51-60% = 6; 41-50% = 4; 31-40% = 3; <30%=0

ii. % of students with A Grade and Above
  - >20% = 8; 16-20% = 7; 11-15% = 6; 6-10% = 5; 1-5% = 4

iii. No of students in University Merit
  - HPU/SPU merit list 1st-3rd = 8; 4th-10th = 6
17 17 Link
Record Verifiable from HPU Gazette & College Principal id.

2. Student Support, Services, and Progression (Score280): Claimed = 206

S. No. Activity Distribution of Scores Marks Claimed Total Marks Scored Remarks
2.1 Pre and Post Admission Counseling = 25 i. Admission schedule, publicity through media
  - Publicity through any 3 means = 5; 2 means = 3; 1 means = 2
ii. Pre-admission counseling = Yes (10); No (0)
iii. Post-admission orientation/induction = 10
25 25 Link
2.2 Scholarships = 10 i. Awareness and coverage of eligible students = 5
ii. Scholarships other than Govt. Schemes = 5
10 10 Link
2.3 Sports & Cultural Activities = 32 i. Students in sports: >20% = 10; 16-20% = 6; 11-15% = 2
ii. Students in cultural activities: >20% = 10; 16-20% = 6; 11-15% = 2
iii. Medals/Trophies:
  - National/Inter University = 12
  - State/Inter College = 10
  - District/Cluster level = 6
20 20 Link
2.4 Student Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs = 20 i. NSS = 4
ii. NCC = 4
iii. Rovers & Rangers = 4
iv. Road Safety = 4
v. Eco/Youth/Red Cross/Other Clubs = 4
16 16 Link
2.5 NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers: Participation = 18 i. National/RD = 10
ii. State = 7 (either i or ii)
iii. Awards:
  - National = 8
  - State = 5
  - Cluster = 3
10 10 Link
2.6 Anti-Drug Awareness Programmes = 10 i. Awareness programs organized: 4 and above = 4; 3 = 3; 2 = 2; 1 = 1
ii. % of students benefitted: >50% = 4
iii. Counseling of suspected addicts = 2
10 10 Link
2.7 Gender Equity = 10 i. Health/sensitization programs: 3 and above = 3; 2 = 2; 1 = 1
ii. % of students benefitted: >20% = 3; 11-20% = 2
iii. Anti-sexual harassment committee as per norms = 2
iv. Grievance redressal as per timeline = 2
10 10
2.8 Mentor-Mentee Groups Sessions per group: 4+ sessions = 10; 3 = 8; 2 = 5; 1 = 3 10 10 Link
2.9 Coaching for National Level Competitive Exams/HAS 10 10 10 Link
2.10 Remedial Classes/Bridge Courses Benefited students: >20% = 10; 16-20% = 8; 11-15% = 6; 6-10% = 4 10 10 Link
2.11 Capacity Building of Students = 20 i. Life skills sessions = 10
ii. Language development programs = 10
20 20 Link
2.12 Career Counseling & Placement Cell = 20 i. Career Counseling Sessions: >5 = 6; <5=4
ii. Placement Drives: >2 = 4; <2=2
iii. Self Employment Modules: Yes = 4; No = 0
iv. % of students benefitted: >50% = 6; < 50%=4
16 16 Link
2.13 Student Progression = 30 i. % of Students in higher education: >50% = 10; 30-50% = 8; 20-30% = 6; <20%=4
ii. Students clearing National Level Exams = 5 x No. of students (Max. 20)
10 10 Link
2.14 Co-curricular & Sports Activities Organized = 25 i. Inter-university Events (Zonal/National) = 10
ii. Inter-College events = 6
iii. Intra-College events = 3 each (Max. 9)
9 9 Link
2.15 Annual Prize Distribution Function Organized Yes = 10; No = 0 0 0
2.16 College Magazine Published Yes = 10; No = 0 10 10 Link
2.17 College Website Updated Regularly Yes = 10; No = 0 10 10 Link

3. Infrastructure & Resources (Score 160): Claimed =140

S. No. Activity Distribution of Scores Marks Claimed Total Score Remarks
3.1 Classrooms Classrooms well maintained: Yes = 10, No = 0 10 10 Link
3.2 Library Facilities = 25 i. Adequate print books: 500 books per hundred students = 3, less = 1
ii. Daily newspapers (5), magazines (3), journals (3): Yes = 3, No = 0
iii. Access to e-resources: Yes = 3
iv. Library seating capacity: 10% or more of student strength = 4
v. Usage: 100% = 7, 75% = 5, 50% = 3, 25% = 1
vi. Digital Library with 5+ systems & internet: Yes = 5
25 25 Link
3.3 ICT Facilities i. Interactive Panels, Projectors, K-Yan: 5 or more = 5, 4 = 4, ...
ii. Teachers using ICT: >50% = 5, < 50%=0
iii. Students benefiting from ICT: >50% = 5, < 50%=0
iv. Internet connection: Yes = 5
v. Usage: 100% = 5, 75% = 4, 50% = 3, 25% = 2, < 25%=0
25 25 Link
3.4 Facilities for Specially-abled Students i. Ramps/Wheelchairs/Support railing: Yes = 2
ii. Separate Washrooms: Yes = 2
4 4 Link
3.5 Sports Facilities i. Number of games/sports activities: >5 = 8, <5=4
ii. Indoor sports facilities: Yes = 4
iii. Adequate sports equipment: Yes = 4
iv. Gymnasium (Operational): Yes = 4
16 16 Link
3.6 Auditorium/Hostels/Seminar Hall/Staff Quarters Auditorium = 4, Hostel = 4 (2 points each), Staff Quarters = 4, Seminar Hall = 4 0 0
3.7 Laboratories i. Laboratories with adequate equipment: Yes = 10
ii. Lab usage: 100% = 10, 75% = 6, 50% = 5, 25% = 3, < 25%=0
20 20 Link
3.8 Computers i. Adequate number of computers: 1 per 30 students = 5; 31-40 = 3, 41-50 = 2, >50 = 1
ii. Computer usage: 100% = 5, 75% = 3, 50% = 2, 25% = 1, < 25%=0
10 10 Link
3.9 Facilities for Various Student Activities Canteen, Staff Room, Space for NCC/NSS, Examination Room, Medical Care: 2 points per facility (Max = 10) 10 10 Link
3.10 Documentation of Activities Academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities documentation: Yes = 20, No = 0 20 20 Link

4. Institutional Management (Score 220): Claimed=168

S. No. Activity Distribution of Scores Marks Claimed Total Score Remarks
4.1 Institutional Vision Vision Document, IDP, Plan of Action: 6 points each x 3 = 18 18 18
4.2 IQAC No. of meetings (4 = 6 points) and programs (Max. 6 points) 12 12 Link
4.3 Management of Institutional Funds Funds utilization >90% = 10, audit = 2, bill settlement = 4 16 16 Link
4.4 Grievance Redressal Redressal within week = 10, within month = 4, no redressal = NIL 10 10 Link
4.5 Green and Clean Campus Green initiatives = 6, Cleanliness (Excellent = 10, Satisfactory = 6, Poor = 0) 16 16 Link
4.6 Facilities for Students Each facility = 3 points 15 15 Link
4.7 Service Book/Record Updates Yes = 3 3 3 Link
4.8 Timely Submission of ACRs Yes = 3 3 3 Link
4.9 Official Correspondence Response Yes = 5 5 5 Link
4.10 Maintenance of Official Records Yes = 10 10 10 Link
4.11 Student Attendance and CCA Records Yes = 10 10 10 Link
4.12 NIRF Ranking No 0 0
4.13 NAAC Accreditation A and above = 20, B+/B++ = 16, B = 12, Accredited = 10 0 0
4.14 AQAR Submission Yes = 12, No = 0 0 0
4.15 Recognition for Contributions 4 points each 8 8 Link
4.16 Stakeholder Involvement (PTA, OSA) PTA (Max 12), OSA (Max 8) 13 13 Link
4.17 Feedback from Stakeholders Yes = 4 4 4 Link
4.18 Annual Review Meeting Yes = 25 25 25 Link

5. Best Practices, Innovation and Institutional Distinctiveness (Score 80): Claimed= 72

S. No. Activity Distribution of Scores Marks Claimed Total Marks Scored Remarks
5.1 Best Practices Description & Outcome of Best Practices (at least two) 10 points per best practice x 2 = 20 20 20 Link
5.2 Special Initiatives taken for:
i. Energy conservation/ use of Solar energy
ii. Solid waste segregation/Management
iii. Rain water harvesting and use for gardening and cleanliness
iv. Plastic free campus
v. Blood donation camps
vi. Adoption of village/educational institutions
4 points per initiative i. 4
ii. 4
iii. 0
iv. 4
v. 0
vi. 4
16 Link
5.3 Social Impact of Extension Activities (based on community feedback) 3 activities = 10, 2 activities = 8, 1 activity = 5 10 10 Link
5.4 Special New Innovative Initiatives or Ideas Adopted in the College (Other than at Sr. No. 5.2) 4 points each initiative (max. 16) 4 x 4 = 16 16 Link
5.5 Collaboration:
i. With Peer Educational/Research Institutions
ii. Other Govt. Bodies/Industry
5 points each (Max. 10 points) i. 5
ii. 5
10 Link

6. Faculty Profile & Research Activities (Score 100): Claimed=97

S. No. Activity Distribution of Scores Marks Claimed Total Marks Scored Remarks
6.1 % of Teachers with Ph.D. More than 70% = 5; 61-70% = 4; 51-60% = 3; Less than 50% = 2 2 2 Link
6.2 Teachers as Research Guide 4 points per research guidance (Max. = 8) 8 8 Link
6.3 No. of Orientation Programmes, Refresher Programmes, FDP and Workshops of one week or more attended by Teachers (in last three years) 30% of faculty = 10; 20% of faculty = 8; 10% of faculty = 6; 5% of faculty = 4 10 10 Link
6.4 Project/Patents/Fellowships/Associateships:
i. Major
ii. Minor
iii. Patents
iv. Fellowships
v. Associateships
i. 10; ii. 8; iii. 10; iv. 5; v. 3 (Max. 10) 10 10 Link
6.5 No. of Papers Presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia (in last three years):
i. International
ii. National/Regional/State level
i. 2 points per paper presented
ii. 1 point per paper presented
8 8 Link
6.6 Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and Trainings organized by the institution:
• International level
• National level
• State level
• 6; • 4; • 3 6 6 Link
6.7 No. of Papers Published:
i. UGC Care list Journals
ii. Non-UGC Care list Journals
iii. Citations
i. 5 points per paper
ii. 2 points per paper
iii. 1 point per 20 citations
20 20 Link
6.8 Teachers’ Special Innovative Ideas (Brief description thereof) 5 5 5 Link
6.9 No. of Books Published / Chapter in Books 5 points per book and 2 points per chapter 10 10 Link
6.10 Teachers Academic and Extension Activities:
i. Resource Person
ii. Members of Board of Studies/Subject Experts, etc.
iii. Popular Articles
i. 2 points each activity
ii. 4 points each
iii. 2 points each (Max. 10 points from all categories)
10 10 Link
6.11 Awards by Recognised & Reputed Organisation:
i. International
ii. National
iii. State
i. 8; ii. 6; iii. 4 (Max. 8 points from all categories) 8 8 Link

7. Miscellaneous (Score 120): Claimed=110

S. No. Activity Distribution of Scores Marks Claimed Total Marks Scored Remarks
7.1 Any other Important Initiative not covered Above e.g. Institution Incubation Centre, R&D-Cum-Innovation Centre, B.Voc., Self Finance Courses, Internship, OJT (On the Job Training), Add-on Courses, Green Audit Report, Internal Academic Audit, etc. 10 Each (Max. 50) 40 40 Link
7.2 Spot Evaluation of Institutions by Officers from the Directorate of Higher Education/Representative of Director of Higher Education 20 20 20 Link
7.3 AG Audit Paras settled up to date Yes 5 5 Link
7.4 Local Audit Paras settled up to date Yes 5 5 Link
7.5 Timeline adhered to in filing reply of court cases/RTI applications/Public grievances Yes 10 10 Link
7.6 Invited speakers on various themes relevant to holistic development of students Yes 10 10 Link
7.7 Skill Development Training (at least 20% students benefitted) Yes 20 20 Link

Summary of Scores

S. No. Criteria Maximum Score Score Claimed Remarks
1 Teaching Learning 140 122
2 Student Support, Services and Progression 280 206
3 Infrastructure & Resources 160 140
4 Institution Management 220 168
5 Best practices, Innovation & Institutional Distinctiveness 80 72
6 Faculty Profile & Research Activities 100 97
7 Miscellaneous 120 110
Total 1100 915


Govt. Degree College, Darlaghat

District Solan HP

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